
Strategic priority: Prevent

Empowering the Victorian community with information to reduce their risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime is a vital component of prevention.

Our role

Victoria Police will actively work with our partners to raise awareness and educate the community about the threat of cybercrime so that all parts of our community feel empowered to protect themselves.

We understand that our role in prevention is a shared responsibility. We will strengthen the relationships with our law enforcement, government and non-government organisation partners to support new approaches to cybercrime prevention, cyber safety and cyber security awareness campaigns.

We will work with our partners to reduce individual and community vulnerability to cybercrime threats, and to strengthen resilience to cybercrime across Victorian business, industry and local and state governments.

Together, we will build Victoria’s cyber awareness and reduce our community members’ risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime.

We will...

  • Partner with key Victorian and Commonwealth agencies (including the Victorian Department of Education and Training) to coordinate awareness raising efforts and provide practical advice on cybercrime, cyber security and cyber safety, tailored to individuals, families, business and industry.
  • Work with our partners to ensure our prevention messaging is nationally consistent.
  • Work with industry and businesses to support prevention efforts.
  • Develop and deliver new, accessible cybercrime and risk mitigation resources for the Victorian community (both online and available in stations).
  • Publish timely and relevant crime prevention advice for critical, common and hot topic cybercrime types through various communications channels.
  • Publish accessible prevention resources to support the diversity of Victoria’s community.

So that...

  • Individuals, families, businesses, industry and government are empowered with a better understanding of cybercrime, their vulnerability and key risk mitigation strategies.

What will success look like?

  • The Victorian community has a better understanding of cybercrime vulnerability and how they can protect themselves.
  • Victoria Police works collaboratively with strategic partners to support a range of effective prevention activities.
