About Victoria Police

Service delivery consultation

Learn about how Victoria Police is proactively working with the community and our partners to seek feedback on how we can improve our processes and services.

Engaging with the community through surveys, workshops and town halls allow Victoria Police to to hear your honest feedback about what is working, and where our services can improve. 

Community consultation

We have committed to transforming the services we deliver to the Victorian community by 2026. A key part of this is the work being done by the Service Delivery Transformation Command.  

The first important step in transformation is to review our current services and processes. This means seeking feedback to guide our work from different groups including:

  • the community
  • our partners
  • our workforce.

This feedback will help shape our service priorities and provide a baseline from which we can measure improvement.

Community Sentiment Survey 2023 findings 

The annual Victoria Police Community Sentiment Survey ran over a five-week period between 31 March and 7 May 2023.

If you completed an online survey via Engage Victoria or were part of the many residents who shared insights with police while they were patrolling the streets or attending community events, thank you for your involvement.

Victorians participated in the survey to share their local safety concerns and how comfortable they feel about approaching police and Protective Services Officers outside of an emergency.

A total of 10,996 responses were received, helping police identify issues that matter most to Victorians.

Key safety concerns

The 2023 top four safety concerns remain consistent with last year’s survey results, however have been ranked in a different order. In 2023, more respondents selected cybercrime or online safety as a concern compared to 2022. This crime theme also replaced the family violence category, which previously ranked fifth in 2022.

Top five community safety concerns 2023:

  1. Safety in public places
  2. Safety of my property and possessions
  3. Road safety
  4. Drugs and alcohol
  5. Cybercrime or online safety

Top five community safety concerns 2022:

  1. Safety in public places
  2. Drugs and alcohol
  3. Safety of my property and possessions
  4. Road safety
  5. Family violence.

Top three responses to improve community safety:

  1. More police presence and patrols in public places, and on the roads. Increased night patrolling.
  2. More CCTV and security cameras and better lighting on street and public places
  3. More work to address drug-related crime.

What’s next for local police

Local police have listened to your feedback and will implement a number of initiatives to help improve community safety in line with the Neighbourhood Policing model.

Follow your local Eyewatch page for updates about how police will address your safety concerns.   

Past survey findings

Online community workshops

In 2021, we held Victoria Police's first online town hall events in the City of Monash and Central Goldfields Shire. These events provided opportunities for community members to engage with their local police members on issues that matter to them and provide feedback to SDTC on what Victoria Police can do better.

Community members had an opportunity to identify topics of interest. The top priorities for both locations were: 

  1. Family violence and sexual assault
  2. Drugs and local crime
  3. Road safety and police presence
  4. Mental health.

Here’s some of what you told us:

  • You want a more visible police presence to increase feelings of safety and prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, including in parks, shopping centres and on roads.
  • You would like stronger partnerships between Victoria Police and other organisations such as local councils, schools, Vic Roads and other government service providers to address issues such as road safety, family violence, drugs and mental health.
  • You would like increased community engagement, including participation in community events.
  • You support a victim-centric approach to policing, particularly with regard to family violence.
  • You support police playing a larger role in early intervention efforts in schools.

Next steps

We aim to support local police to host more interactive community meetings across the state, ensuring local concerns are central to Victoria Police decision making in line with our Neighbourhood Policing model.

These events will:

  • provide an update on how Victoria Police has progressed the key themes & recommendations from the community survey
  • focus on local concerns and solutions
  • ask you to give feedback and ideas about policing services.

Our aim with these community-focused events is to work together to design policing services and processes that:

  • keep all Victorians safe
  • are high quality and accessible to all Victorians
  • better work for you and your community.

All events will be advertised on Victoria Police Eyewatch pages on Facebook, and through the local media.

Submit your feedback

If you have something you want to raise with our Service Delivery Transformation Command, please email consultation-mgr@police.vic.gov.au and let us know your service delivery ideas.
