State security and counter-terrorism

Learn about counter terrorism priorities and information on how to report possible signs of terrorism including a wide range of national security contacts.

Reporting terrorism

The Australian National Security Hotline is the single point of contact for the public to report possible signs of terrorism. It also provides information to callers on a wide range of national security matters.

Visit the Australian National Security website(opens in a new window) or call the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400.

Counter terrorism and emergency management

Victoria's emergency management arrangements are designed to deal with all hazards, including terrorism. The Emergency Management Act 2013 defines Victoria's emergency management structure and assigns significant roles and responsibilities.

The State Emergency Management Plan contains the principal policies and planning arrangements.

Further information is available on the Emergency Management Victoria website(opens in a new window).

Australia's Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Australia's Counter-Terrorism Strategy is a Council of Australian Governments document that outlines the current terrorist threat that Australia is facing. The strategy also outlines what our governments are doing about current terrorist threats. It focuses on five core elements: 

  • challenging violent extremist ideologies
  • stopping people from becoming terrorists
  • shaping the global environment to counter terrorism
  • disrupting terrorist activity within Australia
  • having effective responses and recovery should an attack occur.

The strategy is published on the Australian National Security website(opens in a new window).

Victoria Police's Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022-25

The Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022–2025 articulates Victoria Police's current and future counter terrorism priorities and activities.

It aims to increase awareness and transparency of our counter terrorism activities and guiding principles.

Should the need arise, the strategy provides information about what you, your business and your community can do to assist in:

  • preventing terrorism
  • being prepared
  • responding to or recovering from a terrorist incident.

Read the Victoria Police Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022–2025.

Terrorism and legislation

Given the increase in the number and seriousness of terrorist incidents around the world, Australia has now developed specific laws to:

  • prevent terrorist attacks, and 
  • deal appropriately with those involved in terrorism.

The nature of terrorism means its implications may cross jurisdictional boundaries. This, and the range of preventative measures and capabilities that may be required, necessitates that Australia maintain a national, cooperative approach to counter terrorism.

The Commonwealth has enacted specific anti-terrorism laws which can be found in the Criminal Code Act and Regulations 1995 (Commonwealth) at Part 5.3 Division 100 onwards. Criminal offences covering terrorism are primarily dealt with under the Commonwealth Criminal Code, which is intended to be comprehensive and uniform across Australia. Victoria enacted the Terrorism (Community Protect) Act 2003 (the Act) to cover those areas where Victoria continued to have legislative responsibility.

More information about Commonwealth terrorism legislation can be found on the Australian National Security website.(opens in a new window)



Victoria Police SHIELD

SHIELD is part of a program of current and future initiatives by Victoria Police that aim to prevent, disrupt, protect and respond to terror incidents.