Two female police officers are walking down the street at night. They are facing away from us, and you can clearly read their high vis vests marked 'Police'. The street is brightly lit and you can see some graffiti on the wall next to them.

Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2022–2023

28 Aug 2022

Message from the Chief Commissioner

I take great pleasure in introducing the Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2022–2023, which outlines the key actions Victoria Police will take in the year ahead across our identified priority areas of:

  • Community safety
  • Reducing crime
  • Reducing road trauma and
  • Service delivery excellence.

The world has certainly seen a lot of change over the course of the last few years. I am proud of the resilient and professional response that Victoria Police has provided to the challenges our community has faced.

As we all move towards a new normal, Victoria Police will renew its focus on working closely with local communities and partner agencies to address key community safety concerns and seize every opportunity to prevent, deter and disrupt offending.

This focus will involve cementing the foundations of our back-to-basics approach that we have put in place, such as the Neighbourhood Policing Model and Schools Engagement Model, as well as strengthening other core capabilities.

In 2022–2023, we will design and implement evidence-based approaches to gangs, counter terrorism and violent extremism, cybercrime, serious and organised crime, and road safety.

We will actively pursue strategies to deal with the greatest harms to the community, such as family violence, illicit drugs, and illegal firearms.

To ensure we have the capabilities to fulfil these commitments, we will modernise our facilities, roll out essential equipment such as conducted energy devices (also known as ‘tasers’), and invest in recruiting, training and supporting a skilled workforce.

To maintain community trust and confidence, we will transform our complaint and discipline system, strengthen our management of confidential human sources, and focus on ensuring every employee embodies our desired culture.

To capitalise on these investments and initiatives, a key focus in 2022–2023 is on service delivery transformation. We will revise how we organise our workforce, how we deliver our services to and with the community, and how we ensure we have the greatest impact on community safety.

This focus will enable Victoria Police to respond effectively and ethically to the demands of today, as well as position us to respond to the dynamic demands that arise in the future.

We have an exciting year planned and one in which I look forward to Victoria Police producing significant achievements.

Shane Patton APM
Chief Commissioner

Decorative photo of Shane Patton, APM Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police. He is smiling and in Victoria Police Dress Uniform

About this plan

The Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2022–2023 is aligned to the medium-term planning requirement set out in the Resource Management Framework published by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

The Corporate Plan forms part of an integrated organisational planning framework and maintains focus across the organisation.

It is refreshed every year to reflect changes in Government and organisational objectives, emerging priorities, and community safety needs.
