Amitoj Singh – Prosecutions

Monday 14 May 2018 at 10:57 pm
Amitoj Singh – Prosecutions

When Amitoj Singh recalls his most rewarding case as a police officer, there’s no bravado or ego, only compassion and selflessness.

“I was seconded to homicide squad for an investigation into the death of a three-year old,” he said.

“Because of my background I was able to help with interpretation with the family.

“Achieving justice for the child was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done.”

The Senior Constable joined Victoria Police to serve the community and give back and in his role as a Police Prosecutor he seeks justice for victims every day.

“I’m from India originally and you can easily tell I’m a Sikh person,” Sen Const Singh said.

“Sikh people are people who want to serve their community, and it’s my culture, my faith, my belief.

“When I came to Australia almost 10 years ago, I received a lot from this community so I decided I would love to wear the uniform.

“I honestly loved being at the Academy. I learnt a lot. The best thing was being with my squad mates and I’m still in touch with a lot of them.

“But it is a hard process. Every week you’re put through a lot of things where you have to come up with academic scores, and maintain your fitness, but at the end of this, you are rewarded with a great career. Everything we do is justified because what we do on the street requires that sort of training.

“I received the highest academic achiever award for my squad which was one of the proudest days of my life and it will stay with me forever.”

Sen Const Singh said policing offered him great work/life balance for his young family.

“I get 9 weeks leave and on top of that, I work Monday to Friday court hours,” he said.

“I go overseas every year and when I come back I’ve still got 4-5 weeks’ leave in my pocket to look after my children and do other things at home, which makes a massive difference.”

Sen Const Singh has worked across a range of areas in his eight years in the force, but found his passion in prosecutions.

“You don’t need a degree when you are applying but since joining prosecutions I’ve done my Bachelor of Laws,” he said.

“Police prosecutors go to Magistrates’ Courts and prosecute, and more recently legally-qualified prosecutors have been given the authority to appeal in the Supreme Court of Victoria as well.

“I take pride in wearing the uniform every day. I’m proud of myself for standing up for other people and standing up for other people’s rights. It’s different work every day and it gives you job satisfaction.”


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