Explore the following categories for information and advice aimed at community safety, crime prevention, reducing harm, and building a better, safer Victoria.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community safety
Our commitment to and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, safety information, and our Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer program.
Business and commercial
Explore how Victoria Police works with businesses to maintain safety in the workplace and prevent crime.
Cybercrime, reporting and online safety
How to protect yourself and your devices from cybercrime, and report cybercrimes and online abuse.
Disability community safety
Our commitment to and support of disability communities, including information about Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs), communication assistance and easy English guides.
Emergency response
Information on emergency services and relevant contact information.
Family violence
Information about seeking help, helping others, the law, resources and reporting family violence.
Farm and rural safety
Explore crime prevention information and safety tips to secure your property and prevent farm and rural crime.
Fraud and scams
Learn about different frauds and scams, and how you can report them.
Home and property
Crime prevention information to help you secure your home, apartment building, motor vehicles, bikes, number plates, letterboxes and storage cages.
Human trafficking
Learn about human trafficking and the dedicated teams across Australia setup to help stop trafficking.
LGBTIQA+ community safety
Our commitment to and support of LGBTIQA+ communities, including information about how to report a crime, our employee networks, and advice for staying safe.
Older Victorians
Learn about how Victoria Police delivers services tailored to the needs of senior Victorians.
Outdoor and bush safety
Learn tips and advice from Victoria Police when travelling outdoors or in the bush to keep safe.
Personal safety on a night out
Tips to have a safe night out, including maintaining your personal safety and watching out for your friends.
Prejudice motivated crime
Learn about prejudice motivated crime, including racial and religious vilification and how Victoria Police is committed to enhancing safety in the community.
Public transport safety
Whether travelling on a bus, tram or train, there are safety systems and procedures in place to help you feel safer.
Road safety
Learn about staying safe when travelling on the road.
Sexual offences and child abuse
Information about sexual offences and child abuse, including understanding consent, terminology and reporting to Victoria Police.
State security and counter-terrorism
Learn about counter terrorism priorities and information on how to report possible signs of terrorism including a wide range of national security contacts.
Staying safe at school leaver celebrations
Information about using illicit drugs, alcohol, road safety, and sexual assault for school leavers going to schoolies events in Victoria.
Victims of crime
How Victoria Police supports and provides help to victims of crime and is building community confidence and trust.
Water safety
How to stay safe around water and report marine incidents and accidents.