New contact card to enhance police engagement

Victoria Police is today launching a new ‘contact card’ as part of its commitment to transparent and accountable policing.

Thursday 26 July 2018 at 10:21 am
New contact card to enhance police engagement

Victoria Police is today launching a new ‘contact card’ as part of its commitment to transparent and accountable policing.

The new contact card is similar to a business card and will provide a more professional and accessible template for police and Protective Services Officers (PSOs) to provide their details when engaging with community.

Priority Communities Division Commander Stuart Bateson said the card will allow members of the public to know who they spoke to in case they need to follow up later.

“Many people don’t realise that when a police officer or PSO has asked a member of the public to provide their name and address, that person is also entitled to ask for the name, rank and station of the police officer or PSO,” Cmdr Bateson said.

“The police officer or PSO may state their details or write them down.

“The contact card is a transparent and tangible record of who you spoke to and how to contact them again.

“This may be important if you are a victim or witness to a crime as you may need to follow up or provide further information to police at a later date.

“It equally applies if you are stopped by police and asked for your name and address while you are out in public, driving your car or questioned in relation to a suspected crime.

“The contact card can also record the date of the interaction, a police contact phone number or email, notes on the interaction and information on victim support, translation services and how to make a compliment or complaint.

“We have consulted with community groups, legal services, police officers and PSOs to develop the card and ensure it covers all the necessary information.”

Contact cards are rolling out to frontline police officers and PSOs over the coming weeks.

The contact card is an initiative under Victoria Police’s Equality is not the same… program of works.

Under the program, Victoria Police continues to deliver projects which strengthen community trust and confidence in police.

Images of the contact card are included below.

Sophie Jennings

Media Manager

Log # 39469
