Youth Summit 2017 - Edmund

Victoria Police works closely with the Youth Umbrella Project, a program that helps young people, like Edmund, to gain skills and secure employment.

Tuesday 31 October 2017 at 6:47 am
Youth Summit 2017 - Edmund

The Youth Umbrella Project (YUP) is a Brimbank-based program that will provide case management to vulnerable and disadvantaged young people aged between 12 and 24 years who have had contact with, or are at high risk of involvement, with the justice system.

YUP will work with young people and to create a pathway away from offending through early intervention and diversion programs.

The project is funded by the Victorian Government's Community Crime Prevention Program and led by Youth Junction Inc. with support from community partners. It will provide referrals to multiple programs such as face-to-face legal counselling and education, living skills, narrative therapy, music production, cooking, barista and ‘Stir it Up Skill’ hospitality training, respectful relationships, indoor football, and after-school homework.

The project will also include an employment pathways program (via YouthNow) for participants aged between 17 and 24 years and a school re-engagement program for those aged between 12 and 17 years.

Chief Commissioner’s Youth Summit will be held on 1 November 2017 and is focused on ways to better support young Victorians into training and employment.

The 2017 event titled ‘Pathways to employment’ follows last year’s inaugural Youth Summit, which looked at the drivers of youth crime and the disconnection some young people felt within society.
