
Critical enablers

Realising our strategic priorities relies on a number of critical enablers.

Our critical enablers

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    Legislative reform

    We will continue to promote law reform that ensures Victorian legislation keeps pace with advancements in technology.

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    Building our frontline and specialist capabilities

    We will focus on training and professional development for all employees that ensures Victoria Police has the right frontline knowledge and specialist policing capabilities to respond to cybercrime.

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    Collaborating with our partners

    We will work with our partners to maximise our capacity to respond to cybercrime effectively together.

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    Investing in technology and infrastructure

    We will invest in contemporary digital forensics and ensure our employees have access to the right technology to support efficient and effective policing.

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    Innovation and continuous improvement

    We will work with partners to support research, innovation and ongoing capability enhancement to ensure we keep pace with advances to technology and changing cybercrime trends.
