Mary Anne Fagan

$1 million reward.

Thursday 15 February 2024 at 10:00 pm
A 41-year-old Caucasian woman is smiling widely and looking directly at the camera. She has dyed, white blonde hair tied back away from her face. She has blue eyes and thin brown eyebrows. She is wearing a blue top with lace, floral detail. The photo appears to be from the mid 1970's.

Announced February 2024

Homicide Squad detectives have announced a $1M reward for information as part of their investigation into the suspicious death of Mary Anne Fagan in her Armadale home 46 years ago.

Mary Anne lived with her husband and five children, then aged 15, 13, 12, 6 and 17 months, at a house on Dandenong Road.

On the morning of Friday, 17 February 1978, the 41-year-old was at home getting her children ready for school.

Her husband was away working and not expected home until later that afternoon.

About 8.30am, Mary Anne drove her children to school in the family car, a Holden station wagon, then returned home alone about 9.15am.

Shortly after she was seen by a neighbour speaking to council workmen who were repairing the road outside the Fagan family’s home.

Mary Anne had parked her car in the driveway and she was last seen about 10.30am that morning in the front yard of the property by a witness who had driven past the house.

About 11am, Mary Anne’s husband called and had a brief phone conversation with his wife.

This is the last known contact anyone had with Mary Anne.

Shortly after 4pm, the Fagan children came home from school and noticed the side gate was open.

They were unable to locate their mother, however they could hear the baby crying in the house.

Mary Anne’s car was still in the driveway and the doors to the house were locked.

The children made a call to their father from a local phone box and then went home and broke a window in order to get inside the house.

Sadly, they found their mother deceased in the front bedroom.

Mary Anne had been bound and gagged, and fatally stabbed a number of times.

Despite a significant investigation over the past 46 years, a motive for her murder has never been established and a number of personal items taken from the home have never been recovered.

Detectives believe that it is possible there are still people in the community who know what happened to Mary Anne and who was responsible.

Despite the passage of over four decades, Mary Anne is still much missed by her family, in particular her children who remain hopeful of getting answers about what happened to their mother.

Victoria Police has announced a $1M reward for information in relation to those responsible for Mary Anne’s death in the hope it will provide new leads and result in those responsible being held to account.

A reward of $20,000 was previously offered in April 1978 which was increased to $50,000 in June of the same year.

A reward of up to $1M will be paid at the discretion of the Chief Commissioner of Police, for information leading to the apprehension and subsequent conviction of the person or persons responsible for the death of Mary Anne Fagan.

The Director of Public Prosecutions will consider, according to established guidelines, the granting of indemnification from prosecution to any person who provides information as to the identity of the principal offender or offenders in this matter.

Investigators are hopeful this reward will encourage someone to come forward with information.

Police urge anyone with information about Mary Anne death to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online.
