Victoria Police podcast: Unspeakable

A glimpse into real life cases and investigations of sexual crime.

Unspeakable is a podcast produced by Victoria Police. We discuss real stories and cases of sexual crime, and how police investigate and respond to sexual crime reports. 

Unspeakable was recorded and published in 2017. 

This podcast explores sensitive topics around sexual crime. If you feel impacted by the discussion, help and support is available. 

Contact Lifeline on 13 11 14, or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36.

Victoria Police employees and their families can access further support by contacting Wellbeing Services, on 1300 090 995.

If you are seeking help for a sexual crime:

About the Unspeakable podcast

Sexual crimes is a topic that is often misunderstood by people that have not been affected by it. The effect of sexual crimes can have a profound and long-lasting impact on victims and their families.

Over six episodes, you will learn more about the process for reporting sexual offences, and how police investigate each case. 

You'll hear from investigators, experts and victim-survivors. We bring their stories out from the shadows and into the light of reality.

Unspeakable preview

The Unspeakable podcast aims to challenge your understanding about sexual crime. 

Listen on Omny Studio, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Unspeakable episodes
