
Make a complaint about a poor experience with Victoria Police or report the actions or behaviour of our employees.

Victoria Police welcomes any feedback from members of the community. Feedback helps us understand where we can improve and how to better keep Victoria safe.

Victoria Police employees should always conduct themselves with professionalism and integrity. As such, we treat all complaints from the Victorian community seriously.

Your complaint can be anonymous if you wish.

Who you can make a complaint about

You can lodge a complaint about the conduct or behaviour of any:

  • police officers
  • protective services officers (PSOs)
  • police custody officers (PCOs)
  • other Victoria Police employees (VPS).

Types of complaints

Before you make a complaint, consider the nature of your experience with us.

While sometimes our actions may not meet your expectations, that doesn't always make them unlawful. 

An example of this is being stopped for a roadside breath test.

How to make a complaint

You have different options when making a complaint with Victoria Police.

Make an online complaint

Make an online complaint about Victoria Police or Victoria Police employees:

  • anonymously
  • as yourself
  • on behalf of another person.

Make an online complaint

After you submit your online form, you will receive a confirmation email including a reference number.

If you choose to lodge your complaint anonymously, we will be unable to send you the confirmation email.

Other ways to make a complaint

There are other ways you can lodge a complaint. Please choose what makes you most comfortable.

What to include in your complaint

When making a complaint you should provide as much detail as possible.

This helps us understand your complaint and process it appropriately.

You should try to include information such as:

  • your contact details (you can remain anonymous if you prefer)
  • a description of what happened
  • the date, time and location of the incident
  • any names of people involved (that you can remember)
  • anyone you know that witnessed the incident
  • the names of the Victoria Police employees involved (if known)
  • any other details you have (such as documents or records) that may assist in your complaint
  • any other information you consider relevant.

What to expect after you lodge your complaint

Once your complaint is submitted, if you have provided us with your contact details, you will receive a confirmation email.

Victoria Police will then:

  • manage your complaint objectively and fairly
  • keep you advised on the progress of your complaint
  • advise you of the action taken as a result of your complaint.

Complaint outcomes and updates

How your complaint is resolved depends on the nature of the incident you report.

Victoria Police's resolution process includes:

  • resolution through our Professional Conduct Resolution process, in relation to complaints of communication and customer service issues
  • explanation of the law, or police policy and procedures
  • formal investigation, in relation to complaints of a serious nature such as excessive or unreasonable use of force, dishonesty, threats or harassment, breach of human rights or unlawful arrest.

If your complaint isn't anonymous, an assigned officer will contact you.

They will provide updates and let you know the outcome by phone and/or in writing.

Public interest disclosures

Some complaints may be assessed as public interest disclosures.

These are defined by the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 as serious complaints, including:

  • corruption
  • criminal allegations
  • dishonesty.

If Victoria Police identifies that a complaint may be a public interest disclosure, it will be referred to IBAC for assessment.

If you do not wish your complaint to be assessed, please email the Public Interest Disclosure team.

Please include your complaint reference number in the email.

For more information and guidance about public interest disclosures, you can:

  • visit the IBAC website
Public Interest Disclosures
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Complaint privacy and data

Victoria Police manages your private information carefully and under relevant legislation.

If you make a complaint, we may need to refer related information to another agency.

Further support and information

Please do not hesitate to contact the Police Conduct Unit if you:

  • have questions about complaints or the process
  • need more information before making a formal report
  • have further information about an existing complaint
  • have changed your mind about an existing complaint.

You can do this by calling 1300 363 101.

Communication assistance

For information about help with communication, visit our Compliments and complaints page.

Support services

Learn about available support services on our Contact us page.
