National Domestic Violence Order Scheme

Learn about the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme and what the scheme means for the Victorian community.

New laws have been introduced nationwide to improve the protection of family violence victims.

The National Domestic Violence Order Scheme commenced on 25 November 2017. All domestic violence or family violence intervention orders issued from 25 November 2017 are now automatically nationally recognised and enforceable in all Australian states and territories.

It is important to note that all active family violence orders issued in Victoria prior to 25 November 2017 are automatically recognised under the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme but it does not apply to Personal Safety Intervention Orders.

What does this mean?

Victims no longer need to apply to register an order in another Australian state or territory for it to be enforceable.

Local police will still enforce the conditions of all domestic violence or family violence intervention orders issued in their state or territory, regardless of when they were issued.

Existing state and territory laws protecting victims and affected family members from domestic violence have not changed.

If you are unsure whether you need to take any action, or would like more information, refer to the Magistrates' Court of Victoria website for National Domestic Violence Order Scheme(opens in a new window)

Information resources

In an emergency call Triple Zero (000)

For more information see
