Report a sexual offence, sexual assault, or sex crime

Report a recent or historical (past) sexual offence to Victoria Police. Always call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.

If you have experienced or are aware of a recent or historical case of sexual offence, we are here to help you.

If anyone is in immediate danger, at risk, or a crime is currently occurring, call Triple Zero (000).

It is never too late to report a sexual offence

There is no time limit to report a sexual offence or assault.

Victoria Police will always respond to any report of sexual abuse or sexual assault, no matter when it occurred.

Our detectives investigate months, years, and even decades after a crime has occurred.

Report a recent sexual offence

Victoria Police investigate all reports of sexual offences, sexual assaults, and sex crimes.

To report a sexual offence:

When you contact your local police station, they will then refer your report to a Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT) detective.

The SOCIT detective will then investigate and make referrals for you to access a support service.

Report a historical (past) sexual offence

You can report a historical (past) sexual offence or assault at any time.

These crimes may be investigated by the Sexual Offence and Child Abuse Investigation Team (SOCIT).

Report a historical (past) sexual offence involving institutional or religious organisations

There is no time limit to report historical sexual abuse involving institutional or religious organisations.

These crimes may be investigated by the Sexual Crime Squad - Historical Investigation Team (formerly the SANO Taskforce).

Report a historical (past) sexual offence by emailing or calling 1800 110 007.

Report unwanted sexual behaviour on public transport

Report or notify Victoria Police to help prevent, investigate and catch offenders on public transport.

Report unwanted sexual and anti-social behaviour on public transport.

Report sexual offences perpetrated by a Victoria Police employee

Police Conduct Unit investigate all reports of sexual offences committed by a Victoria Police employee.

You can make a report to the Police Conduct Unit by:

Learn more on the Reporting via online portal or website page.

Report a case or concern of child abuse

Victoria Police will always respond to any report of abuse no matter when it occurred, or if the child is now an adult.

Learn how to report a case or concern of child abuse.
